I’m a pleasant guy who brings a lot to the table. I obtained massive amounts of student loan debt and earned degrees in communication from Ohio University and San Diego State University. My writing has been published in The Billfold, the International Journal of Intercultural Relations, Scary Mommy, Street Carnage, and Defenestration Magazine. As far as work that actually pays the bills, I make a pretty damn good living as a middle manager in the healthcare sector. Financial independence is the goal, and the promised land is near.
This website is an “Occasionally Hilarious, Always Interesting” collection of short stories and blog posts relating to travel and finance, the peculiarities of parenting, and various family (or solo) adventures.
Thank you for reading.
-Dewan Gibson

I actually saw you on the news and I was like hey I know that guy. You were my instructor my freshman year in my Africana studies comm class. Hated public speaking, and I was terrified. You being the first black male teacher of anything, that quietly planted the seeds of what I wanted to be. Currently subbing, but I am a credentialed teacher, I’ve taught world History and U. S. History to middle school school, worked with at risk your for a while now .I speak in front of people everyday haha..
Hope you got paid bruh!!
Take care,
I must say it was hard to find your page in google.
You write interesting posts but you should rank your page
higher in search engines. If you don’t know 2017 seo techniues search on youtube: how to rank a website Marcel’s way