Yellow Springs is a liberal enclave about an hour away from my new ‘hood in Pickerington, Ohio. Fun fact: At least two great African-Americans have connections to the area: Dave Chappelle lives there, and Young Harry Belafonte, better known as John Legend, is from nearby Springfield.
Yellow Springs is also home to a popular working farm/rural entertainment complex, Young’s Jersey Dairy. It has cows and goats, batting cages, a bounce house, a mini-train ride, and a giant slide. They also serve the type of food that has made more than two-thirds of American obese or overweight, which, chronic disease aside, is fairly priced.
We recently visited Young’s Jersey Dairy on the suggestion of my wife. She used to go as a child and likes to replicate her memorable experiences for our kids. Me…not so much; I really don’t think they’d like watching Purple Rain and Skinemax.
To be honest, I didn’t feel up to hanging out at a farm; the San Diego to Columbus commute I’ve been making for work has tired me out. But Amber hit me with the reserve psychology: “Well you don’t have to go!” Plus I knew the kids would like it.
And they did. And admittedly, so did I, especially since a whole day of family fun at Young’s Jersey Dairy was less than $50. (Pro tip: Stay till 5 p.m. Apparently that’s when they let you pull on cow nips.)
-Dewan Gibson